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The resources in this section are meant to help you to create and understand budgets from an arts management perspective. They comprise practical information about commissioning, preparing contracts, and provide advice for exhibition remuneration. You can access updated artist pay rates and guides on how to save money and energy for your projects. In addition, you will find examples and templates: Budgets, cash flows and financial planning tools for different sectors of arts management. Listed below are also links to build fundraising skills and to access information about innovative and new ways of funding. Download a basic budget template here.
Concepts | Type | About (II) | Resource address |
Equality | Report | This report discusses findings from Inequality, Class and the Pandemic (ICP), a research and collecting project undertaken at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report lists a number of initiatives that museums need to undertake in order to better care for working-class communities, stretching from research and curatorial practice to recruitment and governance. | |
Emergency | Report | Panic! Class, Taste and Inequalities in the Creative Industries report adopts an inter-sectional approach to workforce inequalities. It looks at the social class background of the workforce, and how this intersects with other issues, including attitudes and values, experiences of working for free, social networks, and cultural tastes. As a result, it shows that the cultural and creative sector is marked by significant exclusions of those from working class social origins. It aims to demonstrate how it intersects with other characteristics, primarily gender and ethnicity. | |
Equality | Report | This review of the Film and Television Awards recommends solutions to put in place for the 2021 Awards and beyond, including all aspects of the voting processes, membership and the rules around campaigning.
The Awards Review is the start of real change at BAFTA, and not the end point. Taken as a whole, the Review findings are designed to deliver real structural and cultural change for the Academy. | |
Education | Policy Paper | Arts-based Social Enterprises fulfill an important social and economic role, supporting young people’s transition into employment and education, and promoting social inclusion and well-being through participation in artistic and cultural activities.2 This policy brief outlines key findings from an Australian Research Council funded study of ASEs undertaken by researchers from RMIT and Charles Sturt University. | |
Equality | Case Study | Index on Censorship is a nonprofit that campaigns for and defends free expression worldwide. One of its special focus areas is artistic freedom. In its Arts and the Law section, it displays cases of artistic censorship from England and Wales and offers guides on tackling with censorship. The site also runs campaigns, programmes and projects on academic, artistic, media and digital freedom, and also provides assistance to those in cultural sector facing issues of censorship. | |
Economy | Report | New and Changing Dynamics: How the Global Creative Economy is Evolving, shows how the global creative economy is changing. Published in 2016, it is an updated companion to the 2010 Introduction to the Creative Economy. It is consist of informative essays and examples on new funding and business models; new skills for new economy; relationship with the digital world and finally hubs, clusters and regions. | |
Evaluation | Toolkit | Researching Audiences at Outdoor Events and Festivals is toolkit which aims to provide a framework to measuring and evidencing the impact of an outdoor event. The guidelines provide practical advice for audience research at un-ticketed cultural festivals and other events in the following sections: research principles, data collection methods, evidencing success, estimating audience size, questionnaires and surveys, working with volunteers and assessing economic impact. | |
Employment | Data Set | Cultural Employment statistics from the Compendium of Cultural Policies web portal continuously displays updated information and offers a monitoring system of national cultural policies and related development. The data is derived from EUROSTAT and demonstrates the difference in the level of self-employed persons working in the cultural sector in comparison to the overall level of self-employed persons in total employment. The results show the comparatively high level of self-employed cultural professionals and thus supports continuing demands for the introduction of tax and social security measures to improve their socio-economic status (as available for other groups of self-employed professionals). | |
Economy | Data Set | Cultural Markets and Trade statistics from the Compendium of Cultural Policies web portal continuously displays updated information and offers a monitoring system of national cultural policies and related development. Currently Cultural Price Index on Goods and Services (2008-2014); price levels of cultural goods and services ( 2003-2018);European recreation and culture expenditure index ( 2005-2014); Comparison of European price levels ( 2005-2014) and information on feature film productions and its market share are available. | |
Education | Report | Time to Listen report provides an overview of what students say about the value of arts and cultural education. The Tracking Arts Engagement and Learning project (2016-2018) gathered 6,000 responses from young people (14-18) in secondary and special schools around England. The report presents new significant insights into the positive difference that sustained engagement with the arts and cultural education has on the lives of young people. | |
Community Engagement | Toolkit | Digital Engagement in Culture, Heritage and the Arts toolkit presents a framework helps designing strategies, processes and technologies to systematically engage all stakeholders with the institution in order to maximise its value. It starts with building a digital engagement strategy at an organizational level, which requires designing a digital vision, mission statement and followed by evaluation of audiences and assets. It presents tools for various digital engagement strategies and how to organize them, including sample digital engagement frameworks for different types of organisations such as heritage site, exhibition, festival, local library etc. | |
Equality | Data Set | Monitoring the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions of 46 countries based on 2018 Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends. Information responding to the following questions is updated on a regular basis: Which countries have ratified the Convention? Who is responsible for its implementation? Are there civil society organisations involved in the process? | |
Equality | Policy Paper | The Fribourg Declaration on Cultural Rights underlines that cultural rights are part of human rights. The text was presented in 2007 by the Observatory of Diversity and Cultural Rights, together with the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie and UNESCO. The site displays link to translations of the Declaration in 13 different languages, but it also serves as a valuable source to search cultural rights and its related issues. | |
Equality | Data Set | A good practices database of culture related projects serving integration of migrants / refugees, based on the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends. Most of the examples are projects undertaken within individual countries to facilitate the inclusion of asylum seekers as well as migrants and to foster dialogue among the different cultural groups living there. They are initiated on the national, regional or local level and range from hybrid artistic productions and training programmes to festivals, public events and media productions. | |
Ethics | Toolkit | Integrity in Practice Toolkit aims to improve research integrity and support a positive research culture within organisations. It has been developed by the Royal Society and UK Research Integrity Office. It features a variety of new ideas from across the UK and the rest of the world, which require minimal to major resource support and can be led by individuals as well as institutions, to inspire creative thinking in this area. | |
Evaluation | Toolkit | Family Arts Evaluation and Audience Research Toolkit aims to share guidance, information and ideas on evaluating family festival events and researching the audiences. It includes tips for basic evaluation and audience research for smaller organisations with limited resources, followed by information for organisations that want to produce a more in-depth evaluation. | |
Evaluation | Toolkit | Public Art : A Guide to Evaluation has been developed to assist those who need to measure outcomes and impacts of artistic practice in the public realm. It aims to be realistic about some of the difficulties inherent in defining quality and success in art. The guide focuses on four main subjects: why evaluation is valuable; Matrix of capturing values and outcomes; evaluation from a personal point of view and finally establishing indicators. It was first published in 2009. Since then, it has been updated annually in response to changes in UK Government policy. | |
Evaluation | Toolkit | Theory of Change Worksheet was developed by Nesta as a toolkit to help to map out the necessary steps for any individual/organisation need to take to achieve a particular goal. It serves to identify the potential impact and risks of your plan, and connect your work to a bigger goal. It is a fill in chart that you can download and use numerous times. | |
Equality | Policy Paper | EU Gender Equality Law provides a general overview of gender equality law at the EU level. The publication is aimed at a broad – but not necessarily legal – public and explains the most important issues of the EU gender equality acquis. It provides a brief historical development of EU gender equality law, followed by a discussion of the central concepts such as equal pay, equal treatment at work, occupational and statutory social security and self-employment. | |
Economy | Policy Paper | Cultural and creative sectors are important in their own right in terms of their economic footprint and employment. They also spur innovation across the economy, as well as contribute to numerous other channels for positive social impact (well-being and health, education, inclusion, urban regeneration, etc.). They are among the hardest hit by the pandemic, with large cities often containing the greatest share of jobs at risk. The dynamics vary across sub-sectors, with venue-based activities and the related supply chains most affected. Policies to support firms and workers during the pandemic can be ill-adapted to the non-traditional business models and forms of employment in the sector. In addition to short-term support for artists and firms, which comes from both the public and private sector, policies can also leverage the economic and social impacts of culture in their broader recovery packages and efforts to transform local economies. | |
Education | Report | The Primary Colours focuses on the decline of arts education in primary schools and how it can be reversed. It draws attention to the importance of arts provision in primary schools and makes policy recommendations, each of which detailed with anticipated costs to the government. | |
Evaluation | Toolkit | Indicator Framework on Culture and Democracy is an innovative tool to assess and optimise cultural policies using reliable data and an online application. It demonstrates the links between culture and democracy, using conventional and cutting-edge statistical methods. It helps mapping European trends in access to and participation in culture and generates comparable national and European survey data. It will enhance existing information systems on culture and will benefit related statistical projects. | |
Employment | Report | An Invisible Army The Role of Freelance Labour in Bristol's Film and Television Industries report aims to complement current statistical data on freelance labour by providing a detailed, qualitative portrait of how freelancers negotiate precarious careers within specific regional contexts. This report evidences that freelance work is strongly situated in place and locality and makes a vital contribution to the strength and sustainability of regional production. As such, defining the nature of freelance work also requires understanding the local cultural, political and economic contexts in which it takes place. | |
Evaluation | Report | Cultural Indicators report was commissioned by the Global Network of Cities, Local and Regional Governments (UCLG) in the framework of the revision of Agenda 21 for Culture (2013-2015) It draws attention on the role of Agenda 21 for Culture for the development of cultural indicators ranging from tangible to intangible. | |
Education | Policy Paper | This Manifesto on Arts Management, Cultural Management and Policy (ACMP) Education is intended to be a tool to reflect and advocate the shared values of three major networks - ENCATC, AAAE and TACPS - which represent a collective of arts and cultural management educational networks from Europe, North America and Asia. It manifests 6 statements as a starting point, aiming to draw attention to the role of ACMP education to amplify the essential need to balance local needs with global challenges. | |
Evaluation | Report | Public Value: How Can it be Measured, Managed and Grown? aims to make value more transparent and more open to interrogation, whether that concerns libraries, bicycle lanes, museums, primary health services or training programmes for the unemployed. It focuses on both how to both understand as well as to create value, by acknowledging that value may come from government action; it can also be created by others, in civil society and business, and recognising that value can often be complex, whether in terms of who benefits, or how it relates to values, as well as more technical issues such as what discount rates to apply. It builds on Nesta's expertise to identify better and alternative ways mapping and measuring public value. | |
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