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Concepts | Type | About | Resource address |
Audience | Report | Stradling, H. and Gieve, M (2019) Collaborating for change: What works well and how might Creative People and Places and National Portfolio Organisations best collaborate to engage new audiences and communicate? London: Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. This report examines Creative People and Places and National Portfolio Organisations programmes, seeks for interaction between them. It aims to understand and display successful collaborations between them. | |
Alliance | Report | Institute for Social Development (2017) Research into skills gaps and educational provision for the cultural sector in Russia. Moscow: British Council.UK Based Cultural Skills Activity: Assessing the Current Provision for International Partnerships aims to gain a greater understanding of the UK’s cultural skills development. | |
Argument | Policy Paper | Powhida, W. (2014) Why do we expect artists to work for free? Here's how we can change the system. New York: Creative Time Reports. This is a mapping report by American artist William Powhida. He argues that these maps display the institutional structures that keep most artists broke, and shares strategies for spreading the wealth. | |
Audience | Toolkit | Kids in Museums is an independent charity dedicated to making museums open and welcoming to all families. They are keen on encouraging museums and galleries to organise activities specifically focus on children’s experiences during museum visits. | |
Arts | Toolkit | Brearley, J. (2014) New playgrounds: An introduction to hacks in the arts. Manchester: Future Everything. This publication was commissioned by British Council and aims to serve as an introductory guide to hack events for people working in the cultural sector. | |
Audience | Toolkit | Jackson, A. (2015) New Audience Development Tool Kit. Bath: Annabel Jackson Associates. This toolkit was commissioned by the Cleveland Foundation in the United States and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation in the UK. It aims to help arts organisations to reach younger and more diverse audiences. | |
Audience | Report | Audience Agency (2018) Museums Audience Report. London: Arts Council England. This report is based on a sample of 39,318 visitors from 105 varied museums – those managed by local authorities, independent trusts, universities and national museums – collected via Audience Finder in the 2017-18 benchmark year. | |
Audience | Data Set | Nesta (2015) Digital Culture 2015 Survey. London: Nesta. This report is the result of a digital culture survey of 984 organisations, in 2013-2014. | |
Audience | Data Set | Council of Europe/ERICarts (eds.) Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe, Edited. 16th edition. Amsterdam: CCPT. Participation statistics from the Compendium web-portal, which displays continuously updated information and provides a monitoring system of national cultural policies and related development. | |
Aesthetics | Report | Crossick, G. and Kaszynska, P. (2016) Understanding the value of arts and culture. Swindon: AHRC. This report was written as a result of a three-year project, which has been looking into the question of why arts and culture matter, and how we capture the effects that they have, supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. | |
Alliance | Toolkit | Royal Opera House Bridge, Artswork and Kent City Council (2015) Art and Cultural Commissioning Toolkit (ACCT). This toolkit aims to encourage arts and cultural partners to engage with the commissioning process and to develop new partnerships and business models. | |
Artists | Report | Lynch, E. and Nelken. M. (2018) From small shifts to profound changes: Creative people and places programme and its impact on artistic practice. Creative People and Places. This report captures the perspectives of artists, as well as the team members who are responsible for programming and working with artists and communities. | |
Audience | Toolkit | Da Milano, C., et al (2017) How to place audiences at the centre of cultural organisations: Guide Part I, a practical guide for cultural operators. Brussels: European Commission. This guide investigates how organisations shift towards ‘audience centricity’. It does not intend to define ‘good’ Audience Development, but considers how to find an appropriate balance between audience and artistic objectives means. | |
Arts | Data Set | New Music: New Audiences (2015) Culture Programme of European Union. NewAud is a growing network of European ensembles and music institution across 17 countries with a passion for contemporary music and how music meets an audience resistant to evaluation. On this website you can find reports, recommendations and examples of good practice. | |
Audience | Toolkit | Audience Agency (2017) Creating and effective audience development plan. London: Audience Agency. An introductory guide to Audience Development planning by the Audience Agency. | |
Agency | Policy Paper | Arts Council England (2019) Shaping the next ten years. London: ACE. This policy report prepared through three months of consultation, between October 2018 and January 2019, to determine the Arts Council England's ten-year strategy until 2030. | |
Artists | Report | TBR Creative and Cultural Team (2018) Livelihoods of visual artists: 2016 data report. TBR. This research study was undertaken in order to address important information and evidence gaps in relation to the visual arts. The study aims to inform the future work of the wider visual arts sector including Arts Council England and the Project. | |
Agency | Report | Museums Association (2019) Empowering Collections. London: MA. This report presents clear recommendations that will put access to collections at the heart of museum work in the coming decade. | |
Artists | Report | Gordon-Nesbitt, R. (2015) Mapping artists' professional development programmes in the UK: Knowledge and skills. London: Chisenhale Gallery. This report aims to map the range of knowledge- and skills- focused professional development programmes currently offered by arts organisations across the United Kingdom. | |
Agency | Report | Museums Association (2013) Museums change lives. London: MA. This report aims to enthuse people in museums to increase their impact, encourage funders to support museums in becoming more relevant to their audiences and communities, and show organisations the potential partnerships they could have with museums, to change people’s lives. | |
Advocacy | Policy Paper | Cremer, M. and Mullenger, N. (eds.) (2016) Culture and the commons. Amsterdam: European Cultural Foundation. This document is a statement by Connective Action for the Commons, a Europe-wide network of cultural organisations. It urges European decision-makers to embed culture as an important perspective and practice contributing to the commons in their policy deliberations. | |
Application | Data Set | The Culture and Creativity website aims to promote cultural contribution to the social and economic development of the six Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. It displays opportunities for artists, explorers and creative professionals. | |
Anarchy | Toolkit | Amnesty International (2018) Toolkit for non-violent direct action. Amnesty International. This toolkit is a guide to non-violent direct action for the Amnesty International activism community of practice. | |
Audience | Report | Urban Paradoxes (2018) Re-imagining Europe: Towards a sustainable audience development. Brussels: European Commission. This report looks at organisations aiming to deepen and diversify their audiences. Those involved adopt radical approaches to audience development and aim to turn ‘audiences’ into ‘engaged citizens’, ‘active participants,’ and thus into ‘change-makers’. | |
Anarchy | Toolkit | Brearly, J. (2014) New Playgrounds: An Introduction to Hacks in the Arts. Manchester: Future Everything. This toolkit examines some of the main types of hacks, what the benefits are for individuals and organisations taking part, the different approaches to engaging various communities and how to create the right environment. | |
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