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Concepts | Type | About | Resource address |
Technology | Toolkit | Peach, K., Berditchevskaia, A. and Bass, T. (2019) The Collective intelligence design playbook. London: Nesta. This toolkit presents tools, tactics and methods to harness the power of people, data and technology to solve global challenges. It is tailored to support the design of a collective intelligence project. It is intended to be used by teams or groups working through the activities and exercises together. | |
Theatre | Policy Paper | The Independent Theatre Council is the association for theatre’s independent sector. This site presents its recommended pay rates for actors, writers, choreographers and directors. Note: different rates from performance to rehearsal, residency, workshop and recordings etc. | |
Technology | Report | Colvert, A. (2018) The Oracles: Mapping the Affect and Effects of Immersive Play in KS2: Final Report for Punchdrunk Enrichment. London: University of Roehampton. The report aims to understand the purposes, practices, processes and products of The Oracles programme. mapping the relationship between the intensity (affect) and the nature of engagement (effect) in participants’ experiences. | |
Trajectory | Report | Partnership for Young London and Roundhouse (2019) Self-made sector: Working in the Creative Industries. London: Roundhouse. This report explores the barriers facing young people entering the creative industries – particularly BAME young people and those from low-income households. It highlights many challenges young people face along this journey – from education, to family, and in the industry. | |
Technology | Report | Dellot, B. et al. (2019) The four futures at work: Coping with uncertainty in an age of radical technologies. London: RSA Action and Research Centre. The report builds on a conceptual framework which focuses on the current tech taxonomy and critical uncertainties to model four future-of- work scenarios for 2035. | |
Theatre | Data Set | Get Into Theatre is a website that aims to display all the information and opportunities for anyone willing to pursue a successful career in theatre in the UK. | |
Trajectory | Toolkit | Creative toolkit is an online resource with advice for careers in the performing arts, media and entertainment sectors also gives updated information about issues around the workplace, guidance on health and safety and insurance etc. It was developed by BECTU, the UK's media and entertainment union. | |
Talent | Report | Curth, A. et al (2019) Skill audit: Tools to identify talent. Brussels: European Commission. This report aims to improve the knowledge base about skills audits, to identify main types, methods and approaches used for skills audits as well as assess the extent to which standards are used as part of the process. Considerations about effectiveness of skills audits were also analysed. | |
Trajectory | Report | Revelli, B (ed.) (2018) Career in the Arts: Visions for the Future. Amsterdam: ELIA. Through quantitative and qualitative research, the NXT Project deepens the understanding of how higher arts education institutions and creative hubs are training students, alumni or young professionals to make a living from their artistic practice. | |
Targets | Report | Johnson, C. (2015) The show must go on, Powerful Thinking. London: Julie’s Bicycle. This environmental impact report also suggests a vision on the UK festival Industry. It aims to inspire the festival industry sector to lead by example in achieving impact reduction targets and calls for festivals to commit to achieve a 50% reduction in green-house gas emissions by 2025. | |
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