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Report | Nordicity (2016) The Arts in a digital world- Literature review. Ottawa: Canada Council for the Arts. This Literature Review explores how artists and arts-related organisations in Canada and around the world have adapted to the digital era while also influencing it. | | |
Policy Paper | DCMS (2018) Culture is digital. London: UK Government. This policy a paper sets out a vision for digital culture in UK. It focuses on the UK’s creative and technological capacity and builds on Government’s digital and industrial strategy. | | |
Data Set | Council of Europe/ERICarts (eds.) Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe. 16th ed. Amsterdam: CCPT. Data on public expenditure on culture based on reports of the national experts of the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends. | | |
Report | Powell, J. et al (2016) The Brexit Report. London: Creative Industries Federation. The Brexit Report is looking into the impact of leaving the EU on the UK’s art and creative industries and cultural education and looks for possible answers. | |
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